Wednesday (11/13) is World Kindness Day! We are going to make November Kindness Month here at the Heath Brook! On Tuesday November 12th, your students will be seeing a short presentation from the PAC about our newest fundraiser and its main focus will be kindness in our school,home and the community. It's called Raise Craze! During this fundraiser, students will be asking friends and family to make donations to our school. Students will then "pay it forward" by completing acts of kindness at home and school.
The money raised will help pay for field trips, field day, playground equipment, and enrichment programs like the Discovery Museum.The best part of this fundraiser is there's nothing to sell or buy. To get started, simply go to the website and create an account. Next,your child will choose at least 3 Acts of Kindness (AOKs) they would like to complete. Once these steps are complete, you can email family and friends you think would like to donate to our school. You can also spread the word through social media on Facebook. As your child completes their Acts of Kindness, log into your page and check off their AOKs. It's all there is to do.
At school,teachers will also be watching the children for acts of kindness. As your child completes their AOK's, they will get to write their name on a paper hand that they can proudly display on our Heath Brook Helping Hands wall.

PLEASE NOTE: The fundraiser begins on the 13th (Wednesday). If you want to register ahead of time please click on the flyer (in the language of your choice), click on the link and follow the directions. Feel free to begin talking about kindness with your child now. Raise craze flyers are included at the bottom of this page.
The link below will bring you to a video that explains our fundraiser.